Why did I enter the Body Makeover Challenge? By Taryn Fleming

Why did I enter the Body Makeover Challenge? By Taryn Fleming

Why did I enter the USN Body Makeover Challenge? Well, why not? Why not hold myself accountable to myself? Why not associate myself with a trusted and incredible brand like USN? And lastly, why would I not want to do something with passion, enthusiasm and commitment ALONG with a team of people who are willing and able to help?

The Challenge did so much more for me than transform my body. It transformed my life, and my mind. Don’t get me wrong… there are days where I take a selfie and feel like I just took a before pic? There are days where I have NO go and don’t feel like I can get the VOOMA I need to do any form of exercise. There are days where I don’t feel like eating all my meals… and there are days I think to myself… WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?

It is these days that I realise my worth. I have full on convos with myself (seriously?), pep talks more like, to get my sh*t together. I force myself to keep going and forget the nonsense negative feels going on and I tell myself something very important… I WILL, BECAUSE I TRY. I WILL succeed because I try. I WILL get up because I try. I WILL eat properly, because I try and I WILL believe in me… because I tried. I didn’t give up. I tried. I am so determined to be… so I WILL BE!

You can be, if you TRY to be! Enter the challenge… just try!!! What have you got to lose?? Nothing but that extra weight you keep complaining about. Nothing but the bad feelings you have about yourself and the person you look back at in the mirror. You have everything to gain! Including muscle??